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Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to Reformat your Windows Xp

Reformat the Hard Drive in Windows XP

  1. To reformat a hard drive with Windows XP, insert Windows CD and restart your computer.

  2. Your computer should automatically boot from the CD to the Windows Setup Main Menu.

  3. At the Welcome to Setup page, press ENTER.

  4. Press F8 to accept the Windows XP Licensing Agreement.

  5. If an existing Windows XP installation is detected, you are prompted to repair it. To bypass the repair, press ESC.

  6. Use the ARROW keys to select the partition or the unpartitioned space where you want to create a new partition. Press D to delete an existing partition, or press C to create a new partition.

  7. Type the size in megabytes (MB) that you want to use for the new partition, and then press ENTER, or just press ENTER to create the partition with the maximum size.

  8. Select the format option that you want to use for the partition (Recommended: NTFS), and then press ENTER.

  9. You have now sucessfully reformatted the hard drive with Windows XP.

Reinstall Windows XP

  1. To reinstall Windows XP after reformatting the hard drive simply insert Windows XP CD and restart your computer.

  2. If your hard drive has not been reformatted, follow the steps above to reformat the hard drive in Windows XP.

  3. Your computer will automatically boot from the CD and begin the installation process

WipeDrive: Wipe All Data Before Reformatting the Hard Drive

Deleted files can be recovered even after a hard drive has been reformatted!

A recent study of 129 old hard drives (many of them reformatted) revealed more than 5,000 credit card numbers, medical correspondences, love letters, pornography, bank account information, and other confidential data. To protect yourself from identity theft, erase ALL data before reformatting a hard drive.

Do you need to:
  • Reformat a hard drive before selling or donating a computer.

  • Reformat a hard drive to erase personal data before returning a computer to an employer.

  • Reformat a hard drive to remove an operating system damaged by viruses or spyware.

  • Reformat a hard drive in compliance with government regul

    ations (including HIPAA).

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