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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Earn money with CLICKSENSE

I Found a new PTC site. I'm sure its not a scam because i already receive my 1st payment.
You don't need a Paypal or AlertPay. They pay you on check and you can choose how much money you will payout.

To get started first register here then fill up the forms there. I'll give you a tip on filling up on the form. (Note:When filling the form. Check all the box on the Your interest. So all the ads will be display on what are you clicking.)

This is just like other PTC site like But i assure you this is better because it has a many ads than the others the average everyday is 11ads for non premium and the highest is 30ads. for premium I think the lowest is about 50ads or 60 and the highest is 100-120ads.ahaha. i will be getting premium when i receive my 2nd paymant. Good luck guys. Hope I help you.

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